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Jumping Puzzle from Hell!

By Hammer Dec 16th 2012 at 09:12 am MST
Winter's Day has certainly brought some interesting holiday cheer, or should I say stress. If you haven't tried it yet, here's what to expect on the jumping puzzle from hell.

Designed by the devil himself, you have 3 different paths that you will be randomly spawned at with debatable levels of difficulty. As well as a limited amount of time to jump from snow flake to snow flake as they will soon start evaporating from beneath you.

So you start on a solid mint and then poof the snow flakes spawn. From there you must make a manic dash as fast as you can plus faster to keep ahead of the deteriating snow flakes and along the way you will find peppermint sticks that will mess up your rythm for sure because you kinda need to do a half jump so that you don't hop over them.

If you manage to get through all the snow flakes you hit a solid bit of mints, you can't really catch your breath because the longer you take the more likely the wall of presents your about to ascend will start poofing into nothingness. If you got lucky enough to make it up you stand pretty much a fifty fifty chance of having that effing snow man causing a ghust of wind to send you falling.

If by the gods you've mastered that bastard of a snow man, make a right and you've made it to the snow boulder area, dodge them as well as avalanches. Which isn't that difficult and finally your to the last bit of the jumping puzzle, these presents don't dissapear but they are kinda tiny. Oh and did I mention that this entire time your taking on frost damage and if you don't get to the end in time you die.

Falling off gets you sent over to what I'm calling the fail mint where you can watch others with better foot work continue the puzzle. So depending on where exactly you decided to suck at life, you get a nice wait til the next time you prove how unskilled you really are.

I spent a good 2 hours at this, probably died around 150 times before I made it through this gauntlet from hell. Me and Mike were screaming at our machines for a good portion of it. All in all a really fun holiday event. Jumping puzzle alone. And I challange you all to try it. Cause I don't think you have the stones, or snowballs to dominate it.

Razed fraps his attempts, take his and times it by 10 and that's how long it took me.

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