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Comments: 2

Diablo 3 PvP Scrapped

By Razed Dec 30th 2012 at 06:12 pm MST
Anyone remember this?

D3 PvP patch release? Razed Jul 10th
August - 0 votes
September - 0 votes
October - 1 votes
November - 1 votes
December - 1 votes
2013 - 1 votes
Total votes = 4

Our Old PVP Patch poll, in an age of hope, and expectation. We all knew it was on the rocks at release, but now blizzard has officially put "ol PVP" out of its misery.

Even though i haven't really put any time into the game for several months im still outraged at this point. The Lead game designer has at this point become my new nemesis. Listening to his pitiful excuses and full out winery make me want to throw eggs at someones door step.

In the article i read he starts out by saying this "Putting people into an arena and letting them hurl fireballs and swing crazy-ass swords at one another always has an element of fun to it." SO LET US FREAKING DO IT YOU HORRIBLE HUMAN BEING. Yes balancing it would be horrible and frustrating and take time, but honestly not doing it at all is far worse, please just let the cards play, and then everyone complain about what is OP, and balance it eventually. Diablo II PVP was a perfect example of that, it didn't function well at all, but it was there.

So Essentually, Blizzard one of the greatest gaming companies of all time, is afraid to Fix something that was outright promised to its fans. Letting a Franchise that was building for over a decade die, because they are to preoccupied making Pandas.

Razed rant done
11 years, 8 months ago

I was reading the anti Blizz comments on gamespot and found a comment that references Torchlight 2. I didn't know about this game did you guys? It looks interesting and 20 bucks to buy that's a refreshing price.
11 years, 8 months ago

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