
Entry - 117
Comments: 2

OMG! Hammer of Awesomeness and some epic garb!

By Hammer Jan 1st 2013 at 11:01 am MST

I absolutely love the garb and the hammers. How can I get my hands on one of these babies? I had no idea how much I needed a giant mace until now. I wonder if I could replicate a movie quality weapon. I'll have to add it to the list of things I never finish. I'm gonna have to don my chain mail coif in honor of this sweet vid.

I didn't notice this game at all, not sure why. It looks like a spittin image of Diablo 3 to me. I checked out the site and a few vids and found its only 20 bucks for the game, on sale till the 4th for 15. If all games were 20 bucks or less like this one, I'd be trying a lot more games that's for sure.
I'm gonna have to comment on my own news post here. I've watched this clip about 10 times. I'm so getting to work on my steam punk outfit.

His titty bags had me lololololing.

Also I suddenly feel sad that I shaved my beard off. I may have to grow another one, this time I'll groom it up nice instead of letting it do what it wanted like a face weed.
11 years, 8 months ago

I wouldn't mind that hammer, tis very bad A. I would however prefer a full suit of Deathknight Plate mail, over a pair of "pectular pouches", but thats just me, i still dont understand or accept the steampunk attire. Maybe someday i will understand....
11 years, 8 months ago

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