
Entry - 119
Comments: 3

Final Fantasy 14

By Hammer Jan 9th 2013 at 12:01 pm MST
So what do you think? Can Square Enix pull a rabbit out of their hat?

I personally just want to know how many Japanese died during the making of that trailer. How many programmers slept a whopping 30 mins a night and worked 7 days a week to pound that baby out?

If you based the game on this trailer alone I'd say you have a winner. Although they could have picked a better soundtrack, some heavy metal would have done that dragon some justice.

Tell me what you think. Leave me a comment yammit!!!
HA, oh those Chicken horses, they can never let go of those chicken horses! I agree, other then knowing how many man hours they put into their Cinimatic, and why it was 8 minutes long, i dont have much interest in any FF game. I can never seem to get into the story, probably because it was written originally in Japanese.
11 years, 8 months ago

Foolish mage, you think you can contain the power of Bahamut? HAHAHAHAHA
11 years, 8 months ago

Final Fantasy 14 (Nothing Ironic in THAT title). I will say that Square Enix has gotten quite good at their cutscenes. I just wish they would be honest with everyone and quit the video Game industry and go into films (their trailers are long enough). As beautiful and seizure inducing as that video was, you know it reflects nothing of the gameplay. And of course, chicken horses.
11 years, 8 months ago

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