
Entry - 122
Comments: 2

Cyberpunk 2077

By Hammer Jan 13th 2013 at 08:01 am MST

Based off a pen and paper game of the same name. The chick in the video isn't a robot but an augmented human. Apparently when you put to many computer parts into yourself you have a chance to go crazy.

This bit is exciting, apparently this video is a target render. IE the game is supposed to look like this when it comes out... I truly hope so.

There also is a hidden block of text in the trailer that says it won't be out till 2015 and that they are looking for interested developers.

It's times like these that I wish I went into programming.
Ha i agree, it's times like these I'm glad that I am going back into College for Programming. Trippy video
11 years, 8 months ago

Very cool. I love the Cyberpunk genre. Hopefully it will have an excellent story worthy of the Witcher games...
11 years, 8 months ago

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