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Diablo 3: New Game Director

By Razed Jan 18th 2013 at 05:01 am MST
Jay Wilson gave his final words to the Diablo 3 Community on the forums just yesterday. His post named "Seven Years in Sanctuary" detailed his thoughts on Diablo 3; the mistakes, the glory, and the future to be, most of which seemed to be apologetic and reassuring, something that the community or those who have shelved Diablo 3 defiantly needed to hear. I think the last 8 months of his 7 years have been spent mostly on recovery and apology.

I don’t often find myself in any forum unless I have broken something beyond my own repair, but I was hyped up about Diablo 3 enough that I even ventured into the forums before and after release. What I found just a week after release was mostly disgust and sometimes even pure hatred directed towards the Diablo 3 team, and mention of “Jay Wilson” director of the sinking ship. Even though I personally believe forums were created for trolls and haters, we all felt something icky about Diablo 3, and most I know have since abandoned it for better waters.

In my own opinion I believe he stepped down, or was thus encouraged to step down from Lead Designer of Diablo 3. Someone working on a project for 7 years should be attached, leaving that 8 months after release could not have been an easy decision. But even Jay mentioned the quality of workmanship that Blizzard has upheld in every dimension of its games. Although some may say there is no fault in Diablo 3 I believe the majority would openly welcome some change, or a new hope. As for myself I have put enough hope into Diablo 3 to feel almost a part of it (and I know a certain web designer who erected a virtual monument before its birth), so I will watch with a keen eye as it evolves.

Will a New Game Designer renew the staleness that plagues Sanctuary? At this point some kind of miracle needs to overcome the memory of Decard Cain being slaughtered by a “Fairy Demon” butterfly attack from my mind. Only time will tell…

We can only hope.
11 years, 8 months ago

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