
Entry - 126
Comments: 3

The Elder Scrolls Online Eye Candy

By Hammer Jan 20th 2013 at 07:01 pm MST

Concept Art To set the mood.

Wallpaper Change that nasty old wallpaper you've had for months with something fresh.

Alliances Who you will ally with.

Story Study up on the lore so your not a dumb ass when the game launches.
Sounds like someone is PUMPED for the Elder Scrolls online! EH! well i shall join you in the quest for the excitement!

11 years, 8 months ago

She's jaded, and at such a young age. Sad face.
11 years, 8 months ago

sad_face.jpg umm yeah idk what you talking about if your not excited about anything at any moment... then your just unhappy, Guild Wars 2 was awesome, and yes MMO's come in waves, but did you have to pay for the 5 months? are you going to play in later months?( Yes you are ) nuf said, we all know your excited.
11 years, 8 months ago

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