
Entry - 143
Comments: 7
AMEN! unless console developers seriously rework their creations i see little to no hope for the future of console gaming
11 years, 3 months ago

<--- hasn't been a console gamer for years. Ha, I hadn't even heard about any of the new consoles yet, that's some funny stuff they are trying to pull. I especially like the Xbox kennect watching him from the corner. LOL
11 years, 3 months ago

I think they did say the Kinect doesn't need to be always-on.

But then, everything MS has said about the X-BONE is murky at best, as the video relates.
11 years, 3 months ago

It's quite sad actually. As a hybrid gamer (PC & Consoles), I have always enjoyed the plug-and-play aspect of console gaming. I just like being able to throw in a disk and start playing immediately with no installation, patches, or hardware/software incompatibility. Unfortunately it seems that console gaming has evolved into a much crappier version of PC gaming.
11 years, 3 months ago

I love the fact that they are killing the used game market. I'm trying to find an analogy, oh here's one. So in the future car manufacturers realize that they would make a lot more money if there were no used cars. So now when you buy a car and try to resale it a few years later. It poofs into a pile of dust when the next guy tries to drive off in it.

Phase 1 steal socks, phase 2 can't remember, phase 3 profit.
11 years, 3 months ago

Well I'm glad they wised up.
11 years, 3 months ago

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