
Entry - 146
Comments: 4


By Hammer Jun 24th 2013 at 03:06 pm MDT

I have to admit it looks pretty good.
Purely from hearing about it 2nd hand:
1) the ability to create and run custom dungeons is awesome
2) the controls/targeting system is horrible
Let us know if either/both are true!
11 years, 3 months ago

I got up to level 6 so far and ya the controls are different. That said I actually enjoy it. I would point out that I've played some games that have the OTS (over the shoulder) camera setup. So maybe I'm just use to it. I also would say I have not missed tabbing through a list of targets.

All I have to do is have my screen centered on the guy i'm cutting to pieces and its all good. Also if you hold the ctrl key your camera will lock onto that badie that your trying to run threw. I found that out on accident while trying to talk in vent and run through town and found my self zeroing in on some innocent townsfolk. As a melee toon your attacks can hit more then one mob also.

I look forward to the dungeon making, it appears you have to level up a character to 15 before you can unlock the Foundry.

I'll finish my rambling with I really like the architecture in the game. It feels big and more realistic then some other mmo's. But I really haven't gone to far into the game yet so I digress.
11 years, 2 months ago

Interesting. Thanks for the update.
11 years, 2 months ago

Good stuff, been to busy to post, but good stuff.
11 years, 2 months ago

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