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Reaper of Souls Announced

By Razed Aug 21st 2013 at 10:08 am MDT
Who is fulfilling the fifth act of Diablo 3, but a Fallen Angel named Malthael. Guess that makes sense somehow, the Lure of Real Money finally killed off all the demons and devils, and now its up to the Angels to fall for the dungeon crawling to continue!

Here is the Teaser / Cinematic.

The teaser got me excited, but all teasers get me excited now adays(think thats why its called a teaser... more research to come). But even though they are releasing a new class suited just to my liking, Paladin for Life, it seems as though this will be another 10 levels you can play in Diablo 3... unless they do some groundbreaking stuff i think the hype will die even faster then when it was originally released.

Seriously no mention of PVP? A feature promised long long ago. Sadness. To prove my point i clicked into the forums from the release page and found a couple of the first post titles... "Disappointing" "Not going to Buy" and "So.. there is no new systems?" Alot of people are dissapointed that there is only one new class reveal, but the rumor is that Diablo 3 will have 2 expansions, why not right? More money eventually filtering its way into Blizzards pocket. I'm just glad there is still table flippin over the Auction House idea. Now im just ranting again, bleh nuf said.
I was wondering where that guy went. I should have seen the obvious setup for an expansion.
11 years, 1 month ago

The teasers rarely live up to what actually happens in game (in my humble opinion!) I concur, more dungeon crawling in store! Knowing myself the way I do though, I will resist for a while and then probably buy the expansion like all the rest of the sheep.

Damn my misguided loyalty to games I used to love playing!!! =P
11 years, 1 month ago

<-- sheep here as well, i know i will probably pick it up, even if i only play for a bit, i cant help but fall into their storytelling. If anything at all Blizzard can sure wrap me up in a good story. So its really more like buying the next book for me.
11 years, 1 month ago

I agree with ya Pycelle, I didn't expect one of the Anguris (spelling?) to be the next evil. But there was a lot of fallen angels in act 4. I thought they would do something with Adria, she just disappears right after she starts messing stuff up. Mini boss maybe? i dont know..
11 years, 1 month ago

I forgot how to turn my computer on.
11 years, 1 month ago

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