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Blizzard Kills Diablo 3 Auction House

By Razed Sep 17th 2013 at 05:09 pm MDT
No for serious, the Diablo 3 Auction house is going to die. The New game directors officially put the death date to March 18, 2014. Both the Real Money Auction House, and the Gold Auction House will shut down.

In their short announcement video they talked about their initial ideas of why they wanted an auction house, and how it was a "Double Edged Sword". I think it just plain sucked. Either way its a done deal, if you want to improve your character, you gotta trade the old fashion way, or actually play the game. (crazy idea right?)

In every recent video I have heard them talking about loot 2.0, this is suposta be their next game saving technique. Also the next expansion pack will unlock an enchanter artisan who should be able to help you "make" better gear if you cant ever find that perfect legendary. Hopefully this stuff helps balance the game out.

Diablo 3 Auction House
I think it's a good thing that they are fixing this eyesore in the game, and speaking of eyesores.... There is STILL talk of bringing in the PvP aspect with arenas and achievements but I can't help but wonder if they are going about it the wrong way. MOST of the PvP in D2 was initiated in the general chat channel when one bigshot would talk smack to another bigshot. The ensuing showdown was usually witnessed by a couple of their friends and resulted in more smack talking afterwards. Good times! I definitely miss that part of D2. I could rant forever about this stuff! =)
11 years ago

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