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New Expansion for WoW Announced at Blizzcon 2013

By Kiarna Nov 11th 2013 at 09:11 pm MST
Blizzard has just announced its new 90 - 100 level expansion, "Warlords of Draenor" due to start beta testing around June of next year. Some of the new features include:

* Build your own Garrison - yep that's right ... GARRISON! Think Stables, Barracks, Town Hall... You can even invite your buddies over to show off your latest stuffed Troll head (or stuffed Gnome head if you're an Alliance hater).

* Gear will be no longer class specific or spec specific - no grinding out that extra set of tanking gear ever again! No more despair as you watch yet another plate chest piece drop when your cloth armor is hanging in tatters from your shoulders!!

* Character models are getting a facelift - Thank goodness for this! It was getting old flipping through the same botox injected female faces to try and find a "pretty" avatar (Hey I'm a girl and I like to play pretty - bite me! =P)

* One character gets an instant boost to level 90 - whether this is a brand new char or one you just never quite got levelled because you ditched at Mists of Pandaria. You won't have to be the drag that's still level 85 when everyone is romping around in their new GARRISONS! =)

The Official Trailer

The unabridged Blizzcon announcement (all 15 minutes of awesomeness) can be found here
Hmm... I've always wanted player housing in WoW; from the launch actually. I remember EQ2 had player housing along with the better graphics and so I chose EQ2 over wow. I also remember walking over to Marks PC and catching him playing WoW while the rest of the gang was in EQ2. Oh the betrayal. Turns out it was a better game even though it was in cartoon land.

Anyway they should have had this a long freaking time ago. It might be to late for me to come back. But I'm usually wrong so that's a good sign. Gotta go to work. Cya!
10 years, 10 months ago

10 years, 10 months ago

Well Jake isn't getting a GARRISON Warming Party invite! =P
10 years, 10 months ago

Wish I had the time and friends to play that game.
10 years, 10 months ago

Tish where did you find the info on the gear? Could you link it Please?
10 years, 10 months ago

Hahaha, great song tish. :-)
10 years, 10 months ago

With all the changes this looks to be one of the best expansions as far as game play goes. You guys will have to let me know how it is if you play it
10 years, 10 months ago

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