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Comments: 6

Hearthstone Open Beta

By Pycelle Jan 31st 2014 at 11:01 pm MST
If you haven't tried it out yet, you can now!

I was watching Hearthstone the other day. I'm not much for online card games (they are WAY more fun in person!) but it certainly looks promising! Tell me, are you finding the chance mechanics a little too predictable? It may have just been the handful of games that I watched but the outcomes seemed to be stupidly overpowered towards whoever was winning. I didn't see one close game. The player was either dominating or being completely dominated. Are you feeling like that too?
10 years, 7 months ago

No, I've had plenty of close games.

In fact, the very last game I played last night, I was dominating a mage, up 17-1 or so in character HP. They proceeded to wipe my minions off the board while I failed to find a way past their taunt (minion ability that keeps you from attacking their character); they won. I wasn't watching my hand close enough (ran out of hand cards!) and I was just hoping the top card of my deck would save me.

There's an issue with card quality determining games a bit, but what CCG doesn't have that? Matchmaking should even things out after you've played a few games.

But I've only been playing for 1 day and can't even consistently take on expert bots (their cards are just sooooooooooooooo much better than mine).
10 years, 7 months ago

Matchmaking *should* even out after a few games...

but it's really getting a little annoying playing against people with legendary cards when I don't even have the basic decks.
10 years, 7 months ago

Maybe that's what I was seeing! The person I was watching didn't have Druid, Warlock or Paladin decks and kept getting annihilated on his Rogue deck but when he played his Mage deck he seemed unstoppable. Playing the same deck over and over would get a little boring to me. I'm glad you're enjoying (enduring?) it! =)
10 years, 7 months ago

There's a new quest to complete every day, which I think is enough to be fun without overdoing it.
10 years, 7 months ago

Also there's an "Arena" where everyone plays with pseudo-randomly-generated decks that are all of relatively equal quality. So that's not too bad.
10 years, 7 months ago

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