
Entry - 173
Comments: 3

Mordheim returns?

By Mothmanprophet11 Dec 1st 2014 at 09:12 pm MST
I recently found, downloaded, and played around on an early access PC game based on the tabletop game Mordheim.

My first impressions are that this game is extremely well made for being a relatively low budget deal made by Rogue Factor, with whom I am not familiar with. The graphics are impressive and I love the character design models. I think the best part of the game is how well the actual city of Mordheim is designed. If this grabs your interest at all, please check it out. It's unfinished and still being developed, so the features are a bit lacking. Right now, only the Skaven and Mercenary warbands are available to play as in skirmish mode. However, in the tutorials they have the Possessed and the Sisters of Sigmar warbands which, they are saying in the development forums, will be the next two playable warbands to be implemented into the full game.

If you feel inclined to pick it up, please let me know and I'll play with you. I'm Moth Man Prophet on steam. I suggest grabbing the game while it is on sale on Steam.
Those are some interesting-looking creatures.
9 years, 9 months ago

i like alot
9 years, 9 months ago

It's now 33% off on steam. Grab a copy! Sisters of Sigmar and Cult of the Possessed are now playable!

9 years, 7 months ago

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