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Conan 3.0 Leaked!

By Kiarna Jun 18th 2022 at 03:06 pm MDT
Pretty exciting stuff for those of us who actually enjoy the game! They are changing a whole bunch of gameplay issues that the community has been highlighting since the reveal of Siptah. TLDR - Sorcery, New mounts, upgraded ways to find building parts and a creative mode that doesn't require you to place every part in your inventory then give yourself unlimited carry weight.

For the leaked reveal - see that here

UPDATED 06/21/22
OK so the official Dev Livestream was today. A brief rundown of the changes are below.

- Battlepass and Black Lotus Bazaar: You'll be able to pick and choose what cosmetic upgrades you want (if any). These will be activated by in-game objectives (events)

- Sorcery: You will be able to do magic - both light and dark. Corruption will now be required for you to level through the 'dark side" of Sorcery with the experience bar in your Attributes colored purple instead of white. Blood sacrifices will be part of slowly corrupting yourself.

- Attribute Overhaul: You will truly have the power to 'Choose Your Own Adventure' within your attribute tree. Different choices will open up depending on whether you have chosen to be a White Hat or a Black Hat.

- Building Overhaul: Building will now be done with a building hammer in your inventory which will open up a building screen from which you'll choose your building piece. This will also help streamline Creative Mode. Creative Mode will allow you to place anything anywhere and get really crazy with your builds!

Devs were saying they were aiming for around September release at this stage. I'll post more as it comes to hand!
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