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Diablo 3 for reals?

By Razed Mar 15th 2012 at 09:03 pm MDT
I had to double check with Steeds release date, but im totally amped for the full release of diablo 3 on the 15th of may. I'm thinking of sacrificing a full Alienware desktop system im so excited for this game. ( and i just happen to have one of those lying around, btw... where did you find a goat that quick? )

As for krunk ( "In fact if you play a lady character in your game there is like a 93% chance your going to get sexed on by the krunk god" )

And since we are already claiming classes, everyone knows im the Paladin of the group. I guess settle with a "diablo" welding monk, thats right im gonna wield the end boss as a weapon, or at least thats how we all read it the first time... come on now you know you did.

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