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All Hail Mid Journey - My New AI Comic Strip Series

By Hammer Jul 8th 2023 at 04:07 pm MDT
I'm gonna just keep posting some random whatever comes to mind when I'm playing around with AI. Here's today's challange.

The prompt: comic strip of Elronde arguing with gandalf about dwarf height.

And to fill in the captions. I'm going to give it a shot and wing it.

Gandolf - "It is has been long enough. I am bringing the dwarfs to Erebor to reclaim their kingdom, Elronde!"

Elronde - "Gandolf, Look at my fingers.... Look at them!.!.!.!"

Gandolf - "Good Lord! alright just put those tragic work place accident digits on ice so they can be reattached properly and we will discuss the rights of the dwarven kingdom later."

And this is a "vary strong" of the first generated image, and dang what ever happened to Elronde has just infected Gandalf.
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