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Ark's Scorched Earth map rolling out March 31 for ASA!

By Hammer Mar 28th 2024 at 03:03 pm MDT

I'll have the SE server up as soon as possible. I am ready for a good old shit show so don't plan on it going smooth. I wouldn't be surprised if it is delayed a few days because of game breaking bugs. Que the punch to the balls meme.

That being said, even if i can get cluster server transfers working (so far I have not succeeded with Svartalfheim) I am not allowing server transfers for at least the first couple weeks. So that means if you wanna play with us you'll need roll with a fresh toon.

I'm thinking 2x harvest and tame so its not super brutal, we'll have the reusable mod and I don't think much else. Keeping it as vanilla as possible. I may tune harvest and tame up to 3x on the weekend. I'm going to turn down the stat multipliers to not be over powered. I am also going to disable speed increases for flyers and mounts. Its going to be rough and not for the faint of heart. Now when the initial hype is over in a couple weeks I will start relaxing how hardcore the server is once all the tourists bail.

Noon Sunday MDT is the earliest expected release time but it may be more like 3pm or if they really blow it like they have done in the past, it could much later in the day. I'll see you there survivor.

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