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Doom The Dark Ages

By Hammer Aug 9th 2024 at 01:08 pm MDT

This reminds me of the good old days. Check out this sick game play.

This takes me back to the good old days! Check out this epic gameplay: link.

A shotgun and shield combo? Never thought I'd see that, but I’m getting serious Evil Dead vibes—“This is my boomstick!” And I’ve gotta say, I love it. That shield? Way cooler than Captain America's. A chainsaw-edged shield? Genius. I almost spit out my drink watching those skulls get ground up and the bits fly everywhere. So much glorious carnage. I might just have to dust off my twitchy trigger finger and give this bad boy a go when it drops.

It’s a bit sad that I’ve neglected the shooter genre for so long, having been totally absorbed in survival sandbox games. The upside? I've got a whole backlog of shooters to dive into and make up for lost time. I think Razed is booting up Doom Eternal right now for some good old-fashioned demon-slaying. I might just do the same.

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