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Blizzard North Gets Attacked

By Razed Aug 20th 2012 at 12:08 am MDT
In a Recent Interview with IGN, a Developer of Diablo and Diablo 2, David Brevik gave his opinions on Diablo 3, and about Blizzard North. Stating that the design and concept of Diablo 3 had changed from the previous games, nothing really derogatory.

Once the Interview was linked into facebook 3-5 of the designers/producers of Diablo 3 retorted to his opinion, Most saying they felt as though they had been "thrown under the bus". The pinnacle of the retort being a slightly flavored insult from the Developer Jay Wilson. He retracted the comment later, but we all know once its been said, its out there. Blizzard, or now Blizzard/Activision, is on the offense now time to throw fists, and roll those bills.

Gamebreaker Report

What a bunch of cry babies. Funny though.
12 years, 1 month ago

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