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BDT's Top Ten Reason's You Should Be Playing Guild Wars II

By Hammer Sep 6th 2012 at 12:09 am MDT

  • 10 It's super awesome.

  • 9 It's not WoW.
    (Lets face it. Wow is old and gross. It should be shot and quartered or sent away to go off and die like an old Indian. It's time for a new developer to reign.)

  • 8 No monthly subscription fee.
    (Buy the game and your good to go.)

  • 7 No server ques.
    (If a server is heavy you still enter but are put into an over flow zone from multiple servers. Genius? I'm sure wow will copy all the good ideas and pretend they thought of it. You wow junkies.)

  • 6 You can pickup and use random items in the world. (Ever wanted to slap a mob around with a chunk of wood or iron bar. I threw a boulder at a poor unsuspecting rabbit and overkilled it for 5k damage.)

  • 5 Gorgeous graphics. The eviroments are full varied. (No copied and pasted caves. Oh, hi wow... As well as character customizations and details that are borderline sick. Pics below)

  • 4 Weapon swapping and evading is awesome.
    (About to get smashed by a troll's mace? Double tap a direction to roll out of harms way.)

  • 3 Level scaling. (Your level increases or lowers to match that of the zone your in. Play with your friends anywhere no matter what level you are.)

  • 2 Persistant World vrs World pvp.
    (Take keeps with siege weapons or defend them and pour hot oil onto your enemies.)

  • 1 A questing system that eliminates a quest log. (There really isn't any quests you just interact with the world and complete them as you explore around. The only real quest log is a personal story line that you choose and determine how things unfold.)

  • These screen shots don't really do the game justice. There are so many animated bits here and there that really make the game come to life.

    Jake on the left, me in the middle and Nichole on the right.
One thing I forgot to note. Under water combat with special weapons and abilities is a very nice touch. You actually swim in the water as well.
12 years ago

OMG, Nichole's char actually looks like her!!! Thats awesome!! =D
12 years ago

11. Peer presure. (everyone else is, so why dont you!)
12 years ago

12. "Exploitation" to get to really cool places is actually encouraged. Not only do you get a cool achievement you get experience points! =P
12 years ago

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