MMO Breakdown
By Razed Sep 10th 2012 at 12:09 am MDTI have been keeping up on the gamebreakers MMO news and besides a few lucky ones ( Guild wars 2, and WOW ) things have been pretty dire.
SWTOR - Is already Free to play, most heard about this, but after only being out for less than a year? ( i mean honestly EQ stayed sub for like a decade or something?)
RIFT - Actually no downsided news recently, they have an expansion planned for November, so some people are enjoying it.
TERA - I'm not positive on how long this game has been out, but they just went down from 11 servers to 3, apparently not enough people to play with.
SECRET WORLD - Funcom recently released a statment about its 200,000 subscriber count "did not meet expectations" was all they had to say. They also talked about temporary layoffs, and possibly focusing on smaller games.
WOW - Pandamoniam is about to break loose any day now.
Eve Online - Humm.. i dont know?
Guild Wars 2 - 1 million copies were pre-perchased, before its official release date. Been out for less than a month, still testing the epic lands of Tyria as we speak.
***Legacy edition***
City of Heros - All servers as scheduled to shut down at the end of the year.
EVER QUEST - After 13 years, and 18 expansions, EQ is still kicking. ( although now free to play)