
Entry - 93
Comments: 4

Boise Mordheim Report

By Razed Sep 25th 2012 at 12:09 am MDT
This week, Mothman, Mithras and Razed teamed up for a good old fashioned Mordheim Matchoff. Mothman played a fearsome undead warband, with a blood thirsty Vampire. Mithras commanded the Pirates, with plenty of Blackpowder. Razed Fought Ferociously with the Marauders of Chaos. All had a great time as tabletop blood, and tears were shed. Each warband had its share of ups and downs, each increased its rating by about 10-20 points, with the Marauders of Chaos coming out on top with 6 killing blows.

As we searched the runes of Mordheim we happened across several forgotten scrolls. Each warband netted 2 of the scrolls, and we each gained some powerful new skills from this forgotten magic. Only one First Mate did end up reading the scroll upside down, the unfortunate warrior has to sit the next battle out as the scrolls power was too much for his uneducated brain. ( dont blame him he was a pirate )

The Pivotal moment of our battle was when a scroll was picked up, the Gods of Chaos descended in a storm of Mist and confusion. The Gods of Chaos commanded 3 warriors, one from each warband, to fight to the death. These warriors were ripped from the battle field and summoned to a Dark Shrouded tower, to fight till only one remained. The 3 unfortunate warriors chosen were Clem Goldenhair, the cabin boy; Silas Shroud, the Undead Necromancer; and Sonya, the Chaos Seer of Tchar.

Sonya took the advantage, with her high initiative, and immediately dispatched of Clem, the cabin boy. He was brutally lashed to death with Sonya's Beast Lash. Following Silas charged Sonya and unfortunately missed with his dagger. Sonya turned on the Necromancer and lashed him to death as well. Sonya was chosen of the Gods this day, and was rewarded greatly. Clem and Silas both survived the battle, and Clem even got an advance because of his heroic effort in the face of eminent death.

Other feats of Strength include Lazarus, the Vampire Lord, stopping a cannon ball shot(strength 5 hit) by catching it. Proceeding he was shot again and again, and knocked down 3 times in a row. Lazarus survived and is even stronger now.

All in all a great time, i will keep our campaign updated with the newest battles and feats of strength from the Ruins of Mordheim.
Freaking awesome report. I'll have to dust of my figs and my table top nerd, once our new place is in order.
11 years, 12 months ago

damn.... didnt realize how short i actually am. kinda depressing
11 years, 12 months ago

If it's any consolation, I'm kind of ogreish in size.
11 years, 12 months ago

Naw, thats just the spaceialy dispersion between two points, its some art term right?
11 years, 12 months ago

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