Terms of Use and Service

Terms of Use for 4HammersForge

Effective as of 2/8/2024

1. Introduction: Welcome to 4HammersForge, your go-to spot for game server hosting! By using our website and services, you’re agreeing to these Terms of Use. It's like a handshake – but with words.

2. Eligibility: To hang with us, you’ve gotta be legally allowed to enter into contracts. If you're not old enough to vote or still get a kick out of Saturday morning cartoons, you might not meet the cut. Make sure you check your local laws.

3. User Responsibilities: Here’s the deal: be cool, use our services the way they’re meant to be used, and don’t do anything illegal or dodgy. Think of it as bringing your own beer to the party – just don’t bring anything that’ll get the cops called.

4. Prohibited Activities: Absolutely no illegal stuff – that includes hacking, spreading viruses, or anything else that belongs in a bad hacker movie. If it's sketchy, it's not welcome.

5. Service Availability: We’re not superheroes, so sometimes our services might be down for maintenance or just taking a nap. We can’t promise it’ll be up and running 24/7, but we’ll do our best.

6. Intellectual Property: What’s yours is yours, and what’s ours is ours. You keep the rights to your stuff, but don’t try to claim our services as your own. It's like borrowing a game – you can play, but it’s not yours to keep.

7. Liability Limitation: In the "not my problem" department, we’re not on the hook for any loss or damages that happen from using our services. Use at your own risk, and don’t come crying if something goes south.

8. Termination of Use: Break the rules, and we might have to show you the door. It's our party, and we’ll kick out party-poopers.

9. Changes to Terms: Heads up – we might tweak these terms now and then. We’ll let you know, but it’s on you to keep up.

10. Governing Law: These terms are like a tree – they’re rooted where our business is planted. The local laws where we’re located govern this agreement.

11. Contact Information: Got questions or just want to chat? Here’s where you can reach us: [email protected]